Sunday, 12 August 2012

Can you get blood from a stone?

Sometimes someone in your life comes off as very tough and unreachable. Although this person is someone you love or care for, it's really hard to get close to this person. This individual has so much to offer and, forging a deeper bond with her would be great for both of you. So how can you get blood from a stone?

The best way to get closer is to do so slowly but persistently. Ask questions. Open conversations about your oen experience. Share confidences. It's a long, slow journey that you can only take one step at a time but, the destination will be marvellous.

1 comment:

  1. I Don't Know if Ever I Can Understand You..
    Though I just know one thing for sure: I Love You. I am blessed to have had you at one time in my life!
